Saturday, June 15, 2013

Table of Contents [w/o pagination]

[Table of Contents]

          A Table of the principal things contained in this Book.

The occasion of the words in the text Acts 2:37,38 laid open

The reasons why the Holy Ghost descended in an extraordinary manner upon the Apostles

The contents of Peter's Sermon to the Jews upon the descent of the Holy Ghost

The benefit of preaching the Gospel

What is the beginning of true Conversion

How they that begin to receive the saving light, are affected, both towards it, and them that hold it forth

Obedience accompanies true conversion

All called to repentance by the Gospel

Whoever believes and repents ought to be baptized

The Ordinance of baptism explained

The four essentials of baptism

Who a lawful Minister of baptism

The true form of baptism

Into whose name baptism is administered

The subject of baptism

Faith and Repentance go before baptism

Believers should offer themselves to be baptized

Lydia and her household together converted

The Jailer and his household together converted

Stephanas and his household together converted

The Ordinance of baptism long neglected, and an idol set in its room

The Papists hold that the Ordinance of baptism conveys grace by the very work done, which is so generally confuted by all Protestant Authors that it is not worth the speaking of

The Covenant of Life not made to the seed of believers as coming out of their loins; and therefore the baptism of infants drawn thence by a false consequence

Two Covenants, the one of Works, the other of Grace, or the one Old, the other the New

Why though the Covenant of Grace be absolute, yet the promises are held forth under a condition

Faith the gift of God

Repentance the gift of God

The Covenant of Grace obscurely delivered to our first Parents

The New Covenant not entailed upon any fleshly line

What is meant by the blessedness promised to Abraham and to his seed

Circumcision proved to be no Covenant of Eternal Life, but a typical and carnal Covenant

How the word Everlasting is taken in the Law

First argument to prove Circumcision a Covenant of Works

Second argument to prove Circumcision a Covenant of Works

The sealing use of Circumcision proved to be peculiar unto Abraham

An Appendix to the second argument to prove circumcision a Covenant of Works

Third argument to prove circumcision a Covenant of Works

Fourth argument to prove circumcision a Covenant of Works

Fifth argument to prove circumcision a Covenant of Works

Sixth argument to prove circumcision a Covenant of Works

Seventh argument to prove circumcision a Covenant of Works

To say that the Covenant of Grace is entailed on the flesh, overthrows the main fundamental points of our religion

The third General Head

Somewhat offered to prove that God presently upon the Fall made an outward carnal covenant, entailed upon the flesh

Why the Covenant of Circumcision made to Abraham and his seed, and not to others

To defend a Covenant of Life entailed on the flesh, is virtually to deny that Christ is come in the flesh

None have right to the Government of Grace, but such as are united to Christ by faith

Answers to such Scriptures as are alleged to prove the Baptism of Infants

An answer to that text Acts 2:39

An answer to that text, 1 Cor. 7:14

An answer to that text, Rom. 11:16,17

An answer to that text, 1 Cor. 10:1-3

Faith made not Israelites capable of performing the ceremonies of the Law

An answer to that text Matt. 19:13

An Exposition of that text, Gal. 4:21

Why the Ordinance of Baptism is administered but once, the Ordinance of the Lord's Supper often

What things are essential to a particular visible Church

Unbaptized persons not to be admitted into Church fellowship

The Commands of Christ must not be disputed

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