Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Chapter Fourteen: An Answer to Rom. 11:16,17 As It Is Alleged To Prove The Baptism Of Infants.
An Answer to Rom. 11:16,17 As It Is Alleged To Prove The Baptism Of
In the next place, let us speak to that in Rom.
11:16,17. This is made use of by some to prove a Covenant of Eternal Life
in the flesh. The words are these, "For if the first fruits are holy,
then the Lump is also holy; and if the Root be holy, so are the Branches; and if
some of the Branches are broken off, and thou being a wild Olive-tree art
grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the Root and fatness of
the Olive," etc.
The Usual Exposition Includes the Entire Natural Israel
The usual exposition is, this root is Abraham
and these first-fruits are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These branches are to
be understood as the body of Israel who came out of their loins as the
root and the branches. So the Jews (through unbelief) with their generation,
were broken off. So also, the Gentiles with their Generation and seed are
brought in. This last Clause, which mainly serves for their purpose, they
bring in by head and shoulders, is that the Gentile and his seed are brought in.
What is there in that text which will support that position if it be truly
Does This Text Say There is a Covenant of Eternal Life Running to the Believing Gentiles and their Natural Seed?
But, let us consider this text and see if it
will prove a Covenant of Eternal Life to run in the flesh of believing
Gentiles? That is what the text must prove. Without this, it is alleged in
vain. For the better examining of this we will take for granted that
by root is meant Abraham. By first-fruits is meant Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
who are spoken of. If so, then you must of necessity distinguish in
Abraham, as the Apostle does, a begetting and working Abraham, and a believing
and faithful Abraham.
Remember, Abraham Was in a Two-Fold
You must understand that Abraham was in a
two-fold covenant. Wherein he was holy in a double sense. As he was in that
absolute Covenant of Grace he was spiritually holy. When he was considered in the
Covenant of Works, that conditional covenant made with him, he was
legally holy.
Only the Believing Seed
Is Holy
All the Nation of Jews being separated by God
from all other Nations in and by the same Covenant, are in this sense holy, as
Abraham was. As he was holy in a Covenant of Life with a spiritual holiness,
so only those of the spiritual and believing seed as his branches in
that sense, can be said to be holy.
The Holy Lump
The like may be said of those Patriarchs who, as
the first fruits, consider them in the spiritual covenant. They, as the
first fruits, may be said to be spiritually holy. So, by the Lump you must
understand that seed in that covenant to be only spiritually holy as the
first fruits were. But, if you consider them in the Covenant of Works, the
external National Covenant, as the first fruit in that covenant who were
legally holy, so were the whole lump, that is, the whole Nation of the Jews were
thus holy, till that covenant was abolished and put an end to. Then,
this covenant entailed on the flesh of Abraham, being put an end to or
abolished, it must needs be that the branches must be broken off, viz. such
as only by nature or birth had an interest to that covenant or joining only
to the family.
The Distinctions of the Covenants and their Seeds
The distinctions of the Covenants and seeds
being here observed, it will enlighten the soul to understand this place. We
find this distinction carried on in the beginning of the chapter, viz.
two covenants, and two seeds, and both in the Church of Israel, such as
some would call the covenanting seed. There were two seeds amongst
the external covenanting seed, there was the Covenant of Works, and the
Covenant of Grace. As for example, the Apostle speaks of the whole body of
Israel, then of a select number out of Israel which God forknew, and
therefore brings in the case of Elias, 1 Kings 19. Here God had in Israel 7,000
selected from the rest of the same body of Israel in the outward covenant
with him. Also, in the Apostle's time, he says That there were a select
number, according to the election of grace, which God had chose out of
Israel. Then he says, If by grace, then not by works if by works, then not
by grace? Here you hear the Apostle clearly distinguish two seeds in Israel,
as two covenants. The one is a conditional Covenant of Works, the other,
of grace, an absolute covenant, as in the 4-7 verses of that 11th
chapter of the Romans. So the main drift here of the Apostle is to hold forth
that God did now cast off from being His Church the carnal seed who were
only in the Covenant of Works, this covenant standing no longer in force
but growing old and vanishing away, as in Heb. 8:13, in which
covenant He chose this nation to Himself. Yet, nevertheless, the Apostle does
affirm that God had a remnant who were elect who should be called out of that
natural seed of Israel, even to the end, though for the present, the greatest
part were hardened in unbelief. So that when he says the branches were
broken off, we are not to understand that such of them as related to
Abraham as a Father or Root of Believers in a Covenant of Grace, were broken
off. For then we should hold falling away from and out of a Covenant of Life,
which would be a gross error. But the branches were broken off from the
Root considered in that National Covenant of Circumcision which was a
Covenant of Works, which carnal people might really be in, as you heard
before. This National Covenant, being the partition-wall at that time
between Jews and Gentiles, has now ceased (as I have shown). Being brought
to an end by Christ, He becomes the substance of the same covenant.
Galatians 5:6 and
But the Apostle now affirms in Gal. 5:6 and
6:16, That circumcision availeth not any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a New
Creature and Faith that worketh by Love. Therefore all of the Jews who believed
not, ceased to be members of God's Church. Because now Abraham is no way
considered as a Father and a Root in the Gospel Church, but as faithful and
believing Abraham in a Covenant of Eternal Life, therefore, unbelief
now cuts off the nation of the Jews.
The Jews Were Not Cut Off Under the Law Because of Unblief
Why unbelief had not cut them off many hundred
years before? The answer is plain, so long as the typical Covenant of Works
stood in force, Israel, by being of that family or that generation whether
they had faith or no, or any appearance of grace or no, were interested in
that covenant and in the privileges thereof.
The Spiritual Lump Only
Remains Now
But now when Christ was fully exhibited in the
flesh, and that covenant ceasing and the Covenant of Life only
remaining, it becomes so that only those branches and that lump of believers,
the spiritual lump, only remains in the Church, whether Jews or Gentiles.
A Holy Lump and
So that if you will seriously mind the scope and
drift of the Apostle, you shall see that the Lump and the Branches here
intended, must needs be holy, because the First-fruits and Root are holy. This
means those of God's spiritual elect of the Jews whom He would call
to the end of the world. This is confirmed in the 28th verse. For the Apostle
says, "As concerning the Gospel they are enemies for your sakes, meaning
the Gentiles, but as touching the election they are beloved for the
Father's sake." Not as if God hated these rejected Jews for the sakes of these
Gentiles properly, or loved a certain number of the Jews for their father's
sake properly. But thus, for the Gospel's sake, they became enemies, that is,
the Gospel promise or Covenant, having (as you have heard before)
respect to all Nations, Gen 12:3; Gen. 22:18 with Gal. 3:8.
The Gospel Covenant Extendes Beyond the Jews To All Nations
Now this Gospel Covenant, being not capable to
be divulged to all Nations as long as this external electing love to the
Nation of the Jews was kept on foot in that Covenant of Circumcision, being a
partition-wall, therefore this bond of favor and friendship, being broken
in this external covenant, they came to be enemies because of the
accomplishment of the promises of the Gospel to the Gentiles, that those beloved and
elected of the Jews and ten Tribes, even are beloved for their Father's
sake, meaning for the promise sake made to their fathers concerning their
calling, which must needs be accomplished, Isa. 65:23. They are the seed of
the blessed of the Lord and their offspring with them, meaning all such
elected offspring, as this 11th chapter of the Romans speaks of the calling. For
the text says, "As touching the election they were beloved for the Father's
sake," so that for the promise's sake made to their Fathers, they shall
in time be actually elected with an eternal electing love.
Galatians 3
But, to mind this Scripture further, it makes
exceedingly against any fleshly covenant running in the fleshly line of
the Gentiles, because these words in verses 20 to 24 do declare that the
Gentiles came to be Abraham's spiritual seed, and so a branch of that stock
only by faith in Christ that fat Olive. "For if you are Christ's, then
are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to promise," Gal. 3, last verse.
As it is said, the Gentiles are grafted into this stock or root of Abraham
contrary to nature, it must needs cut off such a conclusion as, That all believing
Gentiles' seed shall come by nature into this Stock. This is not only
against the whole scope and drift of this place, but against the express
words which say, the Gentiles are grafted in contrary to nature, and stand by
faith, and further, that unbelief broke off the Jews.
Now it would be a strange riddle (in my
judgment) first to conclude that the whole nation of the Jews were in a Covenant of
Eternal Life, and the greatest part of them yet never had faith, no
not so much as visibly.
Jews Were Broken Off Because of Unbelief
Secondly, they were broken off from a Covenant
of Eternal Life, and why? Because of unbelief. Yet, nevertheless,
believing Gentiles and their unbelieving seed, in the midst of his unbelief,
is grafted in.
This, in substance, is what is drawn from this
text for providing a covenant in the flesh. But let any impartially judge how
much a shame it would be to wrest Scripture so contrary to its Scope and
meaning. For this chapter shows that there were two seeds and two covenants, one
of Grace, or the Gospel and the other of works. It also shows that men could
not obtain a right to this Gospel Covenant, but by virtue of election which
is merely of grace.
The Covenant of Works and Its Fleshly Seed Are Broken Off From Being Abraham's
The Covenant of Works with the fleshly seed in
that Covenant, were broke off from any privilege coming from Abraham according
to the flesh. That fleshly covenant had an end put to it by Christ's being
come in the flesh. All unbelieving Jews, upon that ground, cease to be
God's Church. Even so, it is much more true of unbelieving Gentiles. For if
unbelief broke off the Jew, be sure it will keep out the Gentile as
effectually. It is clear that it does because they stand by faith only, and are
grafted in contrary to nature. It is said that the Jew, if he abide not
in unbelief, shall be grafted in again.
Both Jews and Gentiles Stand In The Church Now Only By Faith
From all this it is plain that there is no other
way now, under the Gospel, to come into or stand in the house or Church of
God but by faith, either for Jew or Gentile. So far is the Apostle free from
concluding that the Gentiles come in by nature, that he affirms the contrary,
that he is grafted in contrary to nature. This plainly holds forth
that all, both Jews and Gentiles, in a state of unbelief, were excluded
from those privileges.
The Ground of God's Covenant in the Flesh Made to Abraham
For (as before has been proved) the ground upon
which the Covenant of Circumcision was made unto Abraham and his seed
according to the flesh, was not because he was a believer; but because
Christ was to come of that line according to the flesh. If you could find any
Gentile under the Gospel out of whom the Messiah should come, according to
the flesh, then here would be the same reason and ground that an external
typical covenant should run in his line or flesh, till the Messiah was fully
Antichrist Denies That Christ Has Come in the Flesh
But, I hope none will be such an Anti-christ as
to deny that Christ has come in the flesh seeing Paul says, "Henceforth
we know no man after the flesh," for he says, "We have known Christ after
the flesh, but henceforth we know him so no more."
What It Means and Does Not Mean To Be Known After The Flesh
Men were known, that is, approved of as
privileged persons in God's Church by being in that covenant entailed upon the
flesh of Abraham, viz. that Covenant of Circumcision, but from henceforth we
know no man, no not Christ Himself should be minded as standing interested
in that covenant. This is because He is now known to be One Who has
received a more excellent ministry than the Ministry of Circumcision. This is a
better covenant grounded upon better promises, Heb. 8:6,7. The following words
confirm this exposition, "Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a
new Creature, old things pass away and all things become new," compared
with Gal. 6:15, "It is not Circumcision availeth any thing,: etc.
Therefore, we are not now to know men according to the flesh.
Saints Do Not Follow Christ in His Fleshly Priviledges
Neither are we to know Christ as come in the
flesh circumcised and by virtue of that, His privilege in the Church. But, we
are now to know Him as fully exhibited, and (as before) a Minister of a
better covenant grounded upon better promises.
in the Covenant by Faith is Contrary to Being In the Covenant By Nature
So that this 11th chapter of the Romans does so
little serve to countenance the Covenant of Eternal Life to run in the
flesh, that it exceedingly makes against it and cuts it up by the Roots affirming
none of the Gentiles or their seed to be grafted into this stock or
root, but contrary to nature, which he expounds to be by faith.
Two Seeds and Two
Therefore, take the whole drift and scope of
that place and you shall have two seeds and two covenants with a certain
select number out of those who were in the Old Covenant elected into the New
Covenant and the rest of all the body of Israel in that old Covenant were
blinded and hardened, and never obtained an interest into the New Covenant.
When Jesus Christ, the Substance of the old
Covenant, was come then that Covenant ceased and now there is but one
covenant remaining, the Covenant of God's Church. It includes only believers as a
spiritual seed which only now can remain in the Church. Hereupon, all the
unbelieving seed of Jews and Gentiles, are utterly excluded out from the
Church and all Church-privileges which never was so long as an old, external
covenant stood in force.
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