Monday, June 17, 2013

Chapter Five: The Foundation for Infant's Baptism

                                CHAPTER FIVE

                    The Foundation for Infant's Baptism

The Papists do hold that the Ordinance of Baptism does contain very grace by the very work done, which is so generally confuted by all Protestant Authors, that I think it not worth my time to speak to that gross Error. But seeing the main thing usually controverted is about the Subject (whether Infant or Believer) I shall leave what I have said, concluding the administration of baptism upon children as corrupt in all the three foresaid heads as well as in the last, and I shall speak of the last only, viz. that carnal children are not lawful Subjects of baptism. I shall begin to speak to the main argument or ground usually pleaded by all except Papists, for children's baptism, and that is:

Though there be no command nor example, yet there is a consequence, viz. the Covenant of Life being made to Believers, and their seed coming out of their loins, Baptism, being an Ordinance of the Covenant, does also belong to them.


     The Covenant of Life is not made to the seed of Believers as coming out of their loins, and therefore, the baptism of infants is drawn thence by a false consequence.

Now I shall endeavor to prove the falseness and erroneousness of this consequence.

Baptism of the Carnal Seed is opposite to the Express Laws and Commandments of the New Testament.

                                 Ground One

                This does oppose itself to the express Laws,

                     and Commands of the New Testament

My first ground is infant's baptism does oppose itself to the express Laws, and Commands of the New Testament. Whatsoever consequence men do draw from Scripture that crosses the plain Commands of God (to be sure) cannot be of God, but such consequence must needs be (according to Scripture light) of Satan, or at the best, from the vision of a man's own heart.

This I would have you seriously to take notice of, that baptism of believers is a solemn ordinance of the New Testament. It is enjoined by diverse special commands, and encouraged with promises of remission of sins and salvation on the right performance of the same.


For any man to force a consequence that shall oppose itself against so solemn an ordinance cannot be of God. God cannot speak that which is contrary to Himself or to His own commands, as for instance:


When Christ began to teach His Disciples that the Son of man must suffer many things and be rejected of the Elders, and Chief Priests and Scribes, and be killed, and the third day, rise, He spoke that saying openly. Peter took Him and began to rebuke Him, but He rebuked Peter, saying, "Get thee behind me Satan." From whence we may observe:

Whatsoever consequence or argument any man shall seem to enforce (though pretending Scripture for the same) that oppose themselves against duty, or do hinder the servants of God therein, I may say of such consequences, and such arguments, "Get thee behind me Satan, thou art an offense unto me."

It's clear that Christ concludes those arguments and persuasions, whatsoever they be, that do tend to the hindrance of any solemn duty or Ordinance of God, to be of the Devil, "Get thee behind me Satan."

Therefore all those books and arguments which are set out for the maintenance of children's baptism are grounded upon this consequence. They are opposing themselves against duty, as you have heard, which is, that every penitent or believing person ought to be baptized.

  All Sermons, Arguments and Books Supporting Infant Baptism Are of Satan

The whole tendency of those books is to oppose the practice of the
believer's baptism and to hinder it. I may say of them as Christ said before, etc. For upon this ground we may conclude all those discourses not to be of God. I shall therefore leave what is said to you, seriously to weigh, whether or not this is not an erroneous consequence.

But, in the next place, let us come nearer to examine this consequence, both in itself and the grounds from whence it is drawn.

       The Ground of this Consequence is The Covenant of Circumcision

The ground of this consequence is, that the Covenant of Grace belongs to believers' children. The consequence is therefore, that baptism, being an Ordinance of that Covenant, must needs belong to believers' children. In

these two lies our whole business. The Covenant of Circumcision is urged as grounds of this consequence, that Covenant belonging to Abraham and his seed after him in their generation, Gen. 17:7 and 10-14.

                     Believing Gentiles and Their Seed

From hence it is gathered that the Covenant of Grace, viz. of eternal life, belongs to believers and their seed born of their body. Because the Covenant God made to Abraham and his off-spring, viz. the Covenant of Circumcision belonged to Abraham and his seed in their generation, therefore, circumcision, the sign of the covenant, belonged to the seed. Even so, the New Covenant now belongs to the believing Gentiles and their seed. Baptism, being an ordinance of that Covenant, belongs also to believing Gentiles, and their seed. This is the only and alone foundation ground of all those (except Papists) for their Rantizing or Sprinkling of children.

                The Error of This Ground Destroys the Gospel

We shall endeavor to prove this ground (from whence this consequence flows) to be so far from being the truth, that it is an error. Yea it is such an error that if it were maintained with all those errors, that naturally are consequences of this opinion, it would shake the foundations of the Gospel.

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